List, J.-M. (2024): Computer-Assisted Language Comparison with EDICTOR 3. Keynote, held at the conference "5th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change" (2024/08/15, Bangkok, ACL).
List, J.-M. (2024): Computer-Assisted Language Comparison of South-East Asian Languages. Keynote, held at the conference "37e Journées de linguistique d’Asie orientale" (2024/07/04/05, Paris, CRLAO).
List, J.-M. (2024): Computer-Assisted Language Comparison with EDICTOR 3. talkat "Cross-Linguistic Explorations in Space, Time and Evolution" (2024/06/14/15, Bangkok, University of Tübingen).
Häuser, L., G. Jäger, T. Rama, J.-M. List, and A. Stamatakis (2024): Are sounds sound for phylogenetic reconstruction?. Talk, held at the workshop "SIGTYP 2024" (2024/03/21-22, Valletta, Association for Computational Linguistics).
Nieder, J. and J.-M. List (2024): A computational model for the assessment of mutual intelligibility among closely related languages. "SIGTYP 2024" (2024/03/21-22, Valletta, Association for Computational Linguistics).
Forkel, R. and J.-M. List (2024): Cross-Linguistic Data Formats (CLDF): D’où Venons Nous? Que Sommes Nous? Où Allons Nous?. Talk, held at the conference "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" (2024/02/26-03/02, Passau, University of Passau).
Tjuka, A. and J.-M. List (2023): The body as an analogy for object names. A study of partial colexifications across languages. Talk, held at the conference "International Conference on Cognitive Linguistics" (2023/08/07/11, Düsseldorf, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf).
List, J.-M. (2023): Ignoring Relative Chronology in Phonological Reconstruction. Talk, held at the workshop "Research Seminar on Relative Chronology" (2023/06/29/30, Copenhagen [Online], University of Copenhagen).
Hill, N. and J.-M. List (2022): Fuzzy reconstructions. A new framework for the representation and computation of uncertainty in phonological reconstruction. Talk, held at the conference "International Conference on Historical Linguistics" (2022/08/01-05, Oxford, University of Oxford).
List, J.-M. (2022): The SIGTYP shared task on the prediction of cognate reflexes. Talk, held at the workshop "4th Workshop on Computational Typology and Multilingual NLP" (2022/07/14, Seattle [Online], Association for Computational Linguistics).
List, J.-M. (2022): A New Framework for Fast Automated Phonological Reconstruction Using Trimmed Alignments and Sound Correspondence Patterns. Talk, held at the workshop "3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change" (2022/05/26-27, Online, Association for Computational Linguistics).
List, J.-M. (2022): Research Software in Historical Language Comparisoon. talkatworkshop "Future Opportunities for Software in Research" (2022/05/09-10, Online, Max Planck Digital Library).
List, J.-M. (2022): Integrating data in comparative linguistics. Talk, held at the "Cycle of Seminars on Data Elicitation Organized by the Experimental Lab" (2022/05/06, Bologna [Digital Event], University of Bologna).
List, J.-M. (2021): Anotación de cambio fonético y alineaciones fontéticas en EDICTOR. talkat "Herramientos y métodos para el análisis cuantitativo del lenguaje" (2021/12/11, Buenos Aires [Digital Event], Grupo de estadistica para el estudio del lenguaje).
Tjuka, A., R. Forkel, and J.-M. List (2021): Comparing word properties across languages: A case study on ratings for arousal and valence. Talk, held at the "2nd Words in the World (WoW) International Conference" (2021/11/27, Canada [Digital Event], Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada).
List, J.-M. (2021): Evolutionary aspects of language change. talkatworkshop "Evolutionary Thinking Across Disciplines. Problems and Perspectives in Generalized Darwinism" (2021/10/20-22, Paris [Digital Event], Institut des Systèmes Complexes).
List, J.-M. (2021): Chances and Challenges for Computational Comparative Linguistics in the 21st Century. Keynote, held at the conference "KONVENS 2021" (2021/09/06-09, Düsseldorf [Digital Event], Heinrich Heine University).
List, J.-M. (2021): Automated Identification of Borrowings in Multilingual Wordlists. Talk, held at the "The 16th Sergei Starostin Memorial Conference" (2021/06/24-25, Moscow [Digital Event], Center for Comparative Studies and Phylogenetics. HSE University).
Zariquiey, R., J.-M. List, P. Valenzuela, S. Greenhill, and a. Gray (2021): Testing new methods for Amazonian phylogenies: A case study on Pano. Talk, held at the "SALSA Conference" (2021/06/21-07/06, [Digital Event], Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America).
Anderson, C., T. Tresoldi, J.-M. List, S. Greenhill, R. Forkel, and R. Gray (2021): Variation in phoneme inventories. Talk, held at the "International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics" (2021/06/14-18, Oslo [Digital Event], University of Oslo).
Brid, N., J.-M. List, and C. Messineo (2021): Más allá de la estructura: análisis de patrones semánticos en lenguas del Gran Chaco (Beyond structure: Analysis of semantic patterns in the languages of the Gran Chaco area). Talk, held at the "XVII Congreso SAEL" (2021/05/17-22, Tucumán).
Rzymski, C., R. Forkel, and J.-M. List (2021): Forschungsdaten als organische Systeme?. Talk, held at the "Research Data Management Workshop" (2021/05/05-06, München [Digital Event], Max Planck Digital Library).
List, J.-M. (2021): Data in quantitative comparative linguistics. Talk, held at the "Model and Evidence in Quantitative Comparative Linguistics, organized as part of the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft" (2021/02/24-26, Freiburg).
List, J.-M. (2020): Chances and challenges for Computational Language Comparison. Keynote, held at the conference "Kazan International Linguistic Summit on Challenges and Trends in World Linguistics" (2020/11/16-20, Kazan [virtual], Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences).
List, J.-M. (2020): Problems in Assessing the Probability of Language Relatedness. Talk, held at the "The 15th Annual Sergei Starostin Memorial Conference on Comparative-Historical Linguistics" (2020/10/22-23, Moscow [virtual meeting], Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Higher School of Economics).
Lai, Y. and J.-M. List (2020): The phylogeny of Rgyalrongic. Talk, held at the "International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics" (2020/10/02-05, Denton [virtual meeting], University of North Texas).
Rama, T. and J.-M. List (2020): An interactive edition of the “Comparative Vocabulary” in Grierson’s “Linguistic Survey of India” from 1928. Talk, held at the "International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics" (2020/10/02-05, Denton [virtual meeting], University of North Texas).
List, J.-M. (2020): Integrating Data in Cross-Linguistic Studies. Talk, held at the "Untangling the linguistic past of the Americas: Collaborative efforts and interdisciplinary approaches in an open science framework" (2020/09/23-25, Lima [virtual meeting], Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú).
List, J.-M. (2020): Representing concepts for the purpose of cross-linguistic language comparison. Keynote, held at the conference "Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application" (2020/09/22-23, Bolzano [virtual conference], University Osnabrück).
List, J.-M. (2020): Lingüística histórica computacional: Introducción práctica a EDICTOR. Talk, held at the "Approximaciones computacionales a la diversidad lingüística" (2020/06/18, Lima, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú).
List, J.-M. (2019): Sprachen als Schlüssel zur Vergangenheit [Languages as keys to our past]. Talk, held at the "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften" (2019/11/23, Jena).
List, J.-M. (2019): On the search for the drivers of linguistic and cultural diversity. Talk, held at the "Simposio Max Planck / Columbia: Fronteras de la Ciencia" (2019/09/11-12, Bogotá).
Chacon, T., T. Tresoldi, and J.-M. List (2019): Towards refined phylogenies of the Tukanoan languages: A computer-assisted approach. Paper, presented at the workshop "Computer-assisted approaches in historical and typological language comparison, organized as part of the Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea" (2019/08/21-24, Leipzig).
List, J.-M. (2019): Computer-assisted approaches in historical and typological language comparison. Paper, presented at the workshop "Computer-assisted approaches in historical and typological language comparison, organized as part of the Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europea" (2019/08/21-24, Leipzig).
List, J.-M. (2019): Open problems in computational historical Linguistics. Keynote, held at the conference "International Conference of Historical Linguistics" (2019/07/01-05, Canberra).
List, J.-M. (2019): Studying language contact within a computer-assisted framework. Talk, held at the "64th Annual Conference of the International Linguistic Association" (2019/05/30-06/05, Buenos Aires, Universidad de San Martín).
List, J.-M. (2019): Open problems in computational diversity linguistics. Talk, held at the "Research Colloquium of the Department of Comparative Linguistics" (2019/05/17, Zurich, Zurich University).
List, J.-M. (2019): Digital Chinese Historical Phonology. Talk, held at the "Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies - Department of Sinology" (2019/04/11, Zurich, Zurich University).
List, J.-M. (2019): Three open problems in computational historical linguistics. Talk, held at the "The 14th Annual Sergei Starostin Memorial Conference on Comparative-Historical Linguistics" (2019/03/25-26, Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities).
List, J.-M. (2018): Computer-assisted language comparison: Theory and practice. Talk, held at the "Instituto de Lingüística" (2018/10/04, Buenos Aires, Universidad de Buenos Aires).
Hill, N. and J.-M. List (2018): A new reconstruction of Proto-Burmish. Paper, presented at the conference "51th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics" (2018/09/25-28, Kyoto, Kyoto University).
List, J.-M. (2018): Chances and Challenges of Computer-Assisted Approaches in the Humanities (from the Perspective of a Historical Linguist). Talk, held at the (2018/09/24, Buenos Aires, Universidad de Buenos Aires).
List, J.-M. (2018): Computer-Assisted Approaches to Lexical Language Comparison. Paper, presented at the conference "Segundas Jornadas de Lingüística Computational Para Idiomas Amerindios" (2018/09/17-21, Lima).
List, J.-M. (2018): Using networks to infer sound correspondence patterns across multiple languages. Paper, presented at the workshop "Distinguishability in Phylogenetic Networks" (2018/08/13-17, Leiden, Lorentz Center).
Tresoldi, T., N. Schweikhard, M.-S. Wu, Y. Lai, and J.-M. List (2018): Computer-assisted Language Comparison. Reconciling classical and computational approaches in historical linguistics. Paper, presented at the workshop "Historische und vergleichende Linguistik in Jena" (2018/07/13, Jena, Max Planck Insititute for the Science of Human History).
List, J.-M. (2018): CLICS 2.0: A computer-assisted framework for the investigation of lexical motivation patterns. Paper, presented at the workshop "Semantic maps: Where do we stand and where are we going?" (2018/06/26-28, Liège).
List, J.-M. (2018): Automatic inference of sound correspondence patterns across multiple languages. Keynote, held at the conference "Trees and what to do with them" (2018/03/23-24, Tübingen, Eberhard-Karls-Universität).
List, J.-M. (2018): Analogies, transfer, and adaptation. Interdisciplinary research on evolutionary dynamics in linguistics and biology. Talk, held at the "Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology" (2018/03/14, Würzburg, Julius-Maximilians-Universität).
Lai, Y. and J.-M. List (2018): Investigating verb derivation patterns in Sino-Tibetan languages within a computer-assisted framework. Paper, presented at the workshop "Perspectives on low-resource language varieties" (2018/02/09, Saarbrücken).
List, J.-M. (2018): Sprachen als Schlüssel zur Vergangenheit [Languages as keys to our past]. Talk, held at the "Salon Sophie Charlotte" (2018/01/20, Berlin).
List, J.-M. (2017): Computer-assisted approaches in the humanities: Reconciling computational and classical research. Paper, presented at the workshop "Research questions in the humanities as challenges to computer science" (2017/12/06-07, Berlin, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science).
Hill, N. and J.-M. List (2017): Data management in the reconstruction of Proto-Burmish. Paper, presented at the workshop "Data Management in Asian Humanities and Social Sciences" (2017/11/13-14, London, School of African and Oriental Sciences).
List, J.-M. (2017): Using networks to infer sound correspondence patterns across multiple languages. Talk, held at the "Symposium on Networks and Evolution" (2017/10/24, Paris, Université Pierre et Marie Curie).
List, J.-M. (2017): Computer-Assisted Language Comparison. Keynote, held at the conference "Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Tianjin" (2017/10/21, Tianjin, College of Chinese Language and Culture).
Lai, Y. and J.-M. List (2017): The Sino-Tibetan language family. What we know, what we can know, and what we know we cannot know. Paper, presented at the workshop "Languages as Keys to Our Past, organized as part of the DOT 2017" (2017/09/21, Jena).
List, J.-M. (2017): Languages as keys to our past. How classical and computational approaches to language comparison help us to shed light on the past of our languages. Paper, presented at the workshop "Languages as Keys to Our Past, organized as part of the DOT 2017" (2017/09/21, Jena).
List, J.-M. (2017): Establishing a cross-linguistic database of phonetic notation systems. Paper, presented at the workshop "Phonological Represenation in the Quantitative Era of Comparative Linguistics, organized as part of PLM 2017" (2017/09/18, Poznan).
Rama, T., J.-M. List, J. Wahle, and G. Jäger (2017): Is automatic cognate detection good enough for phylogenetic inference?. Paper, presented at the conference "Inaugural Cultural Evolution Society Conference" (2017/09/13-15, Jena, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History).
List, J.-M. (2017): Storing our knowledge of linguistic diversity: Towards the standardization of cross-linguistic data formats. Paper, presented at the conference "Human Document Project 2017" (2017/08/02-04, Freiburg, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies).
List, J.-M. and N. Hill (2017): Computer-assisted approaches to linguistic reconstruction. A case study from the Burmish languages. Paper, presented at the workshop "Regularity of Sound Change" (2017/07/20-21, Cologne, Universität zu Köln).
List, J.-M. (2017): Annotation and Analysis of Cross-Linguistic Lexical Data in Historical Linguistics. Toward the Establishment of Standards and Best Practices. Paper, presented at the workshop "Linguistic Annotation and Philology Workshop" (2017/07/06-07, Leipzig, University Leipzig).
List, J.-M. (2017): CLICS 2.0. Towards an Improved Handling of Cross-Linguistic Colexification Patterns. Talk, held at the "Le Diasema Lecture Series" (2017/07/03, Liège, Department of Classical and Oriental Studies).
List, J.-M. (2017): Network approaches to Old Chinese reconstruction. Paper, presented at the conference "30th Paris Meeting on East Asian Languages" (2017/06/29-07/06, Paris, Centres des recherches linguistiques sur lÁsie Orientale).
List, J.-M. (2017): Perception and production of poetry. An evolutionary perspective on the poetic function of language. Paper, presented at the workshop "Mini-Workshop on Poetry" (2017/04/20, Jena).
List, J.-M. (2017): Sino-Tibetan lexicostatistic database. An interactive system for transparent etymological analysis. Paper, presented at the workshop "Mini-Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages" (2017/04/10, Zürich, University of Zürich).
Jäger, G., J.-M. List, and P. Sofroniev (2017): Using support vector machines and state-of-the-art algorithms for phonetic alignment to identify cognates in multi-lingual wordlists. Paper, presented at the conference "EACL 2017" (2017/04/03-07, Valencia, Association for Computational Linguistics).
Kaiping, G. and J.-M. List (2017): Better models with Saussure: Simulating lexical evolution with semantic shifts. Talk, held at the "Phylogenetic methods in historical linguistics" (2017/03/27-30, Tübingen, Eberhard-Karls-Universität).
List, J.-M. (2017): Setevoj podchod k analizu drevnekitajskich rifm [Network approches to the analysis of Old Chinese rhymes]. Talk, held at the "XII tradicionnye čtenija pamjati S. A. Starostina" (2017/03/23-24, Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities).
List, J.-M. (2017): Computer-assisted language comparison. Reconciling classical and computational approaches to historical linguistics. Talk, held at the "Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies" (2017/03/21, Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities).
List, J.-M. (2017): Network approaches to the reconstruction of Old Chinese phonology. Talk, held at the "Center for Chinese Linguistics" (2017/03/07, Hong Kong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology).
List, J.-M. (2017): Increasing the comparability of linguistic data. Talk, held at the "Division of Linguistic and Multilingual Studies" (2017/02/24, Singapore, Nanyang Technological University).
List, J.-M. (2016): Handling word formation in historical-comparative linguistics. Annotation and analysis. Paper, presented at the workshop "Workshop on Kiranti Languages" (2016/12/01-02, Paris, Centre des Recherches Linguistiques sur lÁsie Orientale).
List, J.-M. (2016): Auf dem Weg zu einer computer-gestützten historischen Sprachforschung [On the way to a computer-assisted approach in historical linguistics]. Talk, held at the "Linguistic Colloqium [Linguistisches Kolloquium]" (2016/11/09, Jena, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität).
List, J.-M. (2016): Historical relations between words and their implication for phylogenetic reconstruction. Talk, held at the "School Of Oriental and African Studies" (2016/10/13, London, University of London).
List, J.-M. (2016): EDICTOR: A Web-Based Interactive Tool for Creating, Inspecting, Editing, and Publishing Etymological Datasets. Talk, held at the "School Of Oriental and African Studies" (2016/10/10, London, University of London).
Hill, N. and J.-M. List (2016): Challenges of representing and analyzing etymological data of South-East Asian languages. Talk, held at the "46th Poznań Linguistic Meeting" (2016/09/15-17, Poznań, Adam Mickiewicz University).
List, J.-M., P. Lopez, and E. Bapteste (2016): Using sequence similarity networks to identify partial cognates in multilingual wordlists. Paper, presented at the conference "Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics" (2016/08/07-12, Berlin, Association of Computational Linguistics).
List, J.-M. (2016): Vowel purity and rhyme evidence in Old Chinese reconstruction. Talk, held at the "29th Meeting on East Asian Linguistics" (2016/07/24, Paris, Centre des Recherches Linguistiques sur lÁsie Orientale).
List, J.-M. (2016): Non-tree-like processes in language evolution. Talk, held at the "EVOLUNET Summer School on Networks" (2016/07/04-08, Roscoff, UPMC).
List, J.-M. (2016): Analogies, transfer, and adaptation. Interdisciplinary research on evolutionary dynamics in biology and linguistics. Talk, held at the "Centre de Recherche" (2016/05/09, Paris, Musée de lH́omme).
List, J.-M. (2016): CLICS 2016. Chances and challenges. Paper, presented at the workshop "Lexical Semantic Networks and Language Change" (2016/03/17-18, Santa Fe, Santa Fe Institute).
List, J.-M. (2016): Modeling language change for the purpose of phylogenetic reconstruction. Talk, held at the "Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage" (2016/02/02, Lyon, Université Lumière Lyon 2).
List, J.-M. (2016): Computer-assisted language comparison. Ideas, tools, applications. Talk, held at the "EVOLAMEP Project" (2016/01/20, Tübingen, Eberhard-Karls University).
List, J.-M. (2015): Using network models to analyze Old Chinese rhyme data. Talk, held at the workshop "Recent Advances in Old Chinese Historical Phonology" (2015/11/05-06, London, School of Oriental and African Studies).
Jäger, G. and J.-M. List (2015): Factoring lexical and phonetic phylogenetic characters from word lists. Paper, presented at the conference "6th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics" (2015/11/04-06, Tübingen, Eberhard-Karls University).
Jäger, G. and J.-M. List (2015): Investing the potential of ancestral state reconstruction algorithms in historical linguistics. Paper, presented at the workshop "Capturing Phylogenetic Algorithms for Linguistics" (2015/10/26-30, Leiden).
Chacon, T. and J.-M. List (2015): A sound-change-based phylogeny of the Tukanoan language family. Using ordered multistate models for phylogenetic reconstruction. Paper, presented at the workshop "3rd Workshop Towards a Global Language Phylogeny" (2015/10/21-23, Jena, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History).
Maurits, L., S. Greenhill, and J.-M. List (2015): Automatic cognate detection. Evaluation, benchmarks, and probabilities. Paper, presented at the workshop "3rd Workshop Towards a Global Language Phylogeny" (2015/10/21-23, Jena, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History).
List, J.-M. and T. Chacon (2015): Towards a cross-linguistic database for historical phonology? A proposal for a machine-readable modeling of phonetic context. Paper, presented at the workshop "Historical Phonology and Phonological Theory [organized as part of the 48th annual meeting of the SLE]" (2015/09/04, Leiden, Societas Linguistica Europaea).
List, J.-M. (2015): Datasets and software tools for computer-assisted language comparison. Paper, presented at the workshop "Databases in Historical Linguistics" (2015/08/20/21, Santa Fe, Santa Fe Institute).
List, J.-M. (2015): The future of the comparative method. Paper, presented at the conference "Integrating inferences about our past - New findings and current issues in the peopling of the Pacific and SouthEast Asia" (2015/06/22/23, Jena, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History).
List, J.-M. (2015): Similarities and differences between evolutionary processes in linguistics and biology. Talk, held at the "Séminaire du LBBE" (2015/05/27, Lyon, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive).
List, J.-M. (2015): Automatic identification of historically related words. Talk, held at the workshop "Strings and Structures -- Codes of Sense and Function" (2015/05/20-21, Cologne, University of Cologne).
List, J.-M., M. Cysouw, and R. Forkel (2015): Concepticon: A resource for the linking of concept lists. Talk, held at the workshop "Language Comparison with Linguistic Databases" (2015/04/30, Leipzig, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology).
List, J.-M. (2015): Handling phonological and etymological relations in computer-based and computer-assisted frameworks. Theoretical aspects. Talk, held at the workshop "Towards a Global Language Phylogeny" (2015/02/23-26, Waiheke Island, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History).
List, J.-M. (2015): Computer-assisted language comparison and its application to Chinese dialectology. Talk, held at the "Séminaire du CRLAO" (2015/02/04, Paris, Centre des recherches linguistiques sur lÁsie Orientale).
List, J.-M. (2014): Computer-assisted language comparison. Bridging the gap between traditional and quantitative approaches. Talk, held at the "CLT seminar" (2014/10/09, Gothenburg, Centre for Language Technology).
List, J.-M. (2014): Benchmark databases in historical linguistics. Talk, held at the workshop "Language Comparison with Linguistic Databases" (2014/10/07-09, Nijmegen, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics).
List, J.-M. and T. Mayer (2014): Visualizing genetic language relations in geographic space. Talk, held at the conference "Advances in Visual Methods for Linguistics (AVML)" (2014/09/24-26, Tübingen).
List, J.-M. (2014): Beyond cognacy: Current chances and future challenges of automatic cognate detection in historical linguistics. Talk, held at the workshop "Towards a Global Language Phylogeny" (2014/09/17-19, Jena, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History).
Mayer, T., J.-M. List, A. Terhalle, and M. Urban (2014): An interactive visualization of cross-linguistic colexification patterns. Paper, presented at the workshop "Visualization as added value in the development, use and evaluation of Linguistic Resources (VisLR)" (2014/05/31, Reykjavik).
List, J.-M. (2014): The LingPy library for quantitative historical linguistics. Talk, held at the "Workshop on historical and empirical evolutionary linguistics (WHEEL)" (2014/02/15-16, Tübingen).
List, J.-M. (2014): Of words, waves, and webs. Using bioinformatics to study the lateral component of language evolution. Talk, held at the "Bioinformatics Seminar" (2014/01/31, Kiel).
List, J.-M. (2013): Network approaches reveal the complexity of Chinese dialect history. Paper, presented at the conference "The 8th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics" (2013/09/26-28, Paris).
Wichmann, S., E. Holman, and J.-M. List (2013): The automated classification of the worldś languages: can it go deeper?. Talk, held at the conference "5th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics (QITL-5)" (2013/09/12-14, Leuven).
List, J.-M. (2013): Improving phylogeny-based network approaches to investigate the history of the Chinese dialects. Paper, presented at the conference "LFK Society Young Scholars Symposium" (2013/08/11-13, Seattle).
List, J.-M. (2013): Investigating the impact of sample size on cognate detection. Paper, presented at the conference "Comparative-Historical Linguistics Of the XXIst Century: Issues and Perspectives" (2013/03/20-22, Moscow).
List, J.-M., S. Nelson-Sathi, and T. Dagan (2012): Modelling Chinese dialect evolution. Paper, presented at the workshop "Beyond Phylogeny: Quantitative diachronic explanations of language diversity" (2012/08/29-09/08, Stockholm, Socieatas Linguistica Europaea).
List, J.-M. and A. Terhalle (2012): Reconstructing concept networks on the basis of cross-linguistic polysemy. Paper, presented at the conference "Concept Types and Frames in Language, Cognition, and Science (CTF’12)" (2012/08/22-24, Düsseldorf, Heinrich Heine University).
List, J.-M. (2012): Improving phonetic alignment by handling secondary sequence structures. Paper, presented at the workshop "Computational approaches to the study of dialectal and typological variation (organized as part of the ESSLLI 2012)" (2012/08/06-10, Opole).
List, J.-M., D. Schulzek, and A. Terhalle (2011): Interaction of writing, speaking, and meaning. A frame-based approach to Chinese character formation. Paper, presented at the conference "Sensory-motor concepts in language and cognition (SMCLC 2011)" (2011/12/01-03, Düsseldorf).
List, J.-M. (2011): Eine neue Methode zur automatischen Identifikation etymologisch verwandter Wörter. Paper, presented at the workshop "NLP Methods in Historical Linguistics" (2011/07/01, Düsseldorf).
List, J.-M. (2011): Multiple sequence alignments in historical linguistics. Paper, presented at the conference "Console XIX" (2011/01/05-08, Groningen, Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe).
Geisler, H. and J.-M. List (2010): Do roots really grow trees?. Quantitative root-based approaches in historical linguistics. Paper, presented at the conference "43rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea" (2010/09/02-05, Vilnius, Societas Linguistica Europaea).
List, J.-M. (2010): Phonetic alignment based on sound classes. A new method for sequence comparison in historical linguistics. Paper, presented at the conference "15th Student Session of the European Summer School for Logic, Language and Information" (2010/08/09-20, Copenhagen).
List, J.-M. (2010): Where are the trees?. The treatment of conflicting signals in the history of language classification. Paper, presented at the workshop "Theories of Evolution in the Science of Man -- Applying a network approach to the interdisciplinary transfer of ideas" (2010/07/02-03, Ulm, University Ulm).
List, J.-M. (2010): Distanz- und Alignmentanalysen in der historischen Linguistik Distance and alignment analyses in historical linguistics. Paper, presented at the workshop "Modellierung von Lautwandelprozessen" (2010/01/22, Düsseldorf, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf).
Geisler, H. and J.-M. List (2009): Schöne Bäume auf schwankendem Grund. Zum Datenproblem in der Lexicostatistik [Beautiful trees on unstable ground. Notes on the data problem in lexicostatistics]. Paper, presented at the conference "Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft 2009: Die Ausbreitung des Indogermanischen. Thesen aus Sprachwissenschaft, Archäologie und Genetik" (2009/09/24-26, Würzburg, Universität Würzburg).
List, J.-M. (2008): Sprachkompetenz im Chinesischen und Deutschen. Paper, presented at the conference "XV. Tagung des Fachverbands Chinesisch e.V.: Chinesisch -- eine Herausforderung für den Fremdsprachenunterricht" (2008/09/25-27, Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin).