CLICS — Database of Cross-Linguistic Colexifications
- CLICS is a database of automatically extracted, cross-linguistically occurring cases of colexification ("polysemies" in a broad sense).
- An updated version number 3.0 of CLICS is available at http://clics.clld.org.
- For the database, form-meaning pairs taken from fifteen different sources were combined, yielding a total of more than 1500 concepts translated into more than 2000 languages.
- For details on the data and examples on what can be done with it, please check out the paper by List, Terhalle, and Urban (2013), and our more recent paper by List et al. (2018), as well as our most recent paper presenting CLICS³ by Rzymski et al. (2019).
- If you want to check data and code, see our GitHub repository.
- If you are interested in the visualisation techniques that are used on the CLICS website, you can check out the paper by
Mayer, List, Terhalle, and Urban (2014).
- If you are interested in earlier versions or the contribution history of CLICS, check out this repository.