Computer-Assisted Language Comparison

Theory and Practice





Classical Historical Linguistics

  • Traditional methods of historical linguistics are based on manual data annotation.
  • With more data available, they reach their practical limits.


Computational Historical Linguistics

  • Computational methods are fast and efficient, but not very accurate.
  • Computational methods cannot replace experience and intution of experts.


Computer-Assisted Language Comparison

  • Since experts are slow, while computers are not very accurate, we need combined frameworks that reconcile classical and computational approaches.
  • Computer-assisted language comparison may drastically increase the consistency of expert annotation while correcting for the lack of accuracy in computational analyses.





The Zen of CALC

  • data: data must be available in human- and machine-readable form
  • software: software can take inspiration from other disciplines (e.g., evolutionary biology), but must always be adapted to linguistic needs
  • interfaces: interfaces are the bridge between computational and classical approaches by allowing to edit the data manually while at the same time controling human input for consistency

Cross-Linguistic Data Formats


Cross-Linguistic Data Formats


The Cross-Linguistic Data Formats initiative (Forkel et al. 2016, comes along with:

  • standardization efforts (linguistic meta-data-bases like Glottolog, Concepticon, and CLTS)
  • software APIs which help to test and use the data
  • working examples for best practice

Cross-Linguistic Data Formats

Technical Aspects

  • See for details, discussions, and working examples.
  • Format for machine-readable specification is CSV with metadata in JSON, following the W3C’s Model for Tabular Data and Metadata on the Web (
  • CLDF ontology builds and expands upon the General Ontology for Linguistic Description (GOLD).
  • pcldf API in Python is close to first release and can be used to test datasets whether they conform to CLDF

Cross-Linguistic Data Formats


  • Wordlist standard (integrated into various tools like LingPy, Beastling, and EDICTOR)
  • Dictionary standard (will be the basic for the Dictionaria project,
  • Feature standard (basic ways to handle grammatical features in cross-linguistic datasets)

Cross-Linguistic Data Formats

Standards: Examples


Forkel et al., Nature Scientific Data, to appear

Cross-Linguistic Data Formats

Standards: Examples


Forkel et al., Nature Scientific Data, to appear

Cross-Linguistic Data Formats

Reference Catalogs

  • Concepticon (List et al. 2016) handles concepts across different datasets and questionnaires.
  • Glottolog (Hammarström et al. 2017) helps to handle languages via unique identifiers.
  • CLTS (Anderson et al. under review) is supposed to provide the missing standard for the handling of phonetic transcription systems by providing unique identifiers across distinct sounds which can be found across linguistic datasets





[...] it is a well known fact that certain types of morphemes are relatively stable. Pro- nouns and numerals, for example, are occasionally replaced either by other forms from the same language or by borrowed elements, but such replacement is rare. The same is more or less true of other everyday expressions connected with concepts and ex- periences common to all human groups or to the groups living in a given part of the world during a given epoch. (Swadesh 1950: 157)



I, thou, he, we, ye, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, hundred, all, animal, ashes, back, bad, bark, belly, big, [...] this, tongue, tooth, tree, warm, water, what, where, white, who, wife, wind, woman, year, yellow. (ibid.: 161)


Concept Lists



Linking Concept Lists

  • concepts labels in each concept list are linked to concept sets
  • concept sets are further linked to metadata
  • concept sets are linked to each other via a rudmentary concept hierarchy


Linking Concept Lists




  • not all concepts are easy to link
  • sometimes, scholars change the meaning of their "basic concepts" slightly across the years, but this is not often noticed by the experts in the field
  • sometimes scholars also say that their concept list is identical to a given one, but after inspection it turns out that this is not the case






Forthcoming Concepticon version (1.1) features:

  • enhanced API that facilitates the task of automatic concept linking
  • many more concept lists
  • many more concepts
  • more metadata







  • "IPA inside" may mean different things
  • "IPA" itself creates ambiguities
  • "IPA" is not a standard, as it does not provide evaluation tools, but instead a set of suggestions
  • "IPA" suggestions are disregarded and ignored by linguists in multiple ways
  • see Moran and Cysouw (2018) for details on Unicode and IPA pitfalls...


Comparative Databases


Comparative Databases

  • Wikipedia has a large collection of Language phonologies in which the IPA is supposed used, but which are not formally tested
  • field workers all of the world produce data in transcriptions that are supposed to conform to the IPA, but they often largely differ regarding their respective strictness of adhering to IPA
  • the ASJP project designed a short alphabet to gather rough transcriptions of lexical items of different languages of the world
  • Fonetikode (Dediu and Moisik 2016) is an attempt to link Ruhlen's and Phoible's sounds to a new feature system, but they do not use the original Ruhlen data and do not provide annotations for all symbols


Comparative Databases

Dataset Transcr. Syst. Sounds
GLD (Ruhlen 2008) NAPA (modified) 600+ (?)
Phoible (Moran et al. 2015) IPA (specified) 2000+
GLD (Starostin 2015) UTS ?
ASJP (Wichmann et al. 2016) ASJP Code 700+
PBase (Mielke 2008) IPA (specified) 1000+
Wikipedia IPA (unspecified) ?
JIPA IPA (norm?) 800+

Cross-Linguistic Transcriptions


  • provide a standard for phonetic transcription for the purpose of cross-linguistic studies
  • standardized ways to represent sound values serve as "comparative concepts" in the sense of Haspelmath (2010)
  • similar to the Concepticon, we want to allow to register different transcription systems but link them with each other by linking each transcription system to unique sound segments

Cross-Linguistic Transcriptions


  • in contrast to Phoible or other databases which list solely the inventories of languages, CLTS is supposed to serve as a standard for the handling of lexical data in the CLDF framework, as a result, not only sound segments need to be included in the framework, but also ways to transcribe lexical data consistently

Cross-Linguistic Transcriptions


  • register transcription systems by linking the sounds to phonetic feature bundles which serve as identifier for sound segments
  • apply a three-step normalization procedure that goes from (1) NFD-normalization (Unicode decomposed characters), (2) via Unicode confusables normalization, to (3) dedicated Alias symbols
  • divide sounds in different sound classes (vowel, stop, diphthong, cluster, click, tone) to define specific rules for their respective feature sets

Cross-Linguistic Transcriptions


  • allow for a quick expansion of the set of features and the sound segments for each alphabet by applying a procedure that tries to guess unknown sounds by decomposing them into base sounds and diacritics
  • use the feature bundles and the different transcription systems to link the transcription systems with various datasets, like Phoible, LingPy's sound class system, Wikipedia's sound descriptions, or the binary feature systems published along with PBase
  • features are not ambitious in the sense of being minimal, ordered, exclusive, binary, etc., but serve as a means of description, following the IPA as closely as possible

Cross-Linguistic Transcriptions


  • be greedy: create many possible sounds, even if they are not attested, to make sure that if a given source contains them, that they are already there
  • be explicit (to some degree): if sounds are generated, and scholars annotate certain sounds, even if it seems that they are unpronouncable, analyze them anyway,

Cross-Linguistic Transcriptions

Examples: Three-Step-Normalization

In NFD Confus. Alias Out
ã (U+00E3) a (U+0061) ◌̃ (U+0303)
a (U+0061) : (U+003a) a (U+0061) ː (U+02d0)
ʦ (U+02a6) t (U+0074) s (U+0073) ts

Cross-Linguistic Transcriptions

Examples: Three-Step-Normalization

In Identifier
ã nasalized unrounded open front vowel
long unrounded open front
ts voiceless alveolar affricate stop

Cross-Linguistic Transcriptions


  • 15 transcription datasets
  • 17403 Graphemes
  • 15090 covered in the CLTS system
  • 7404 unique CLTS graphemes (!)
  • 87% average coverage of graphemes represented in CTLS on average

Cognate Detection and Annotation


Cognate Detection and Annotation


  • Software is needed to preprocess the data, so that it can later be quickly corrected by a human expert.
  • For many purposes, current algorithms are good enough to provide real help in data-preprocessing.

Cognate Detection and Annotation


LingPy: Python library for quantitative tasks in historical linguistics offers many methods for sequence comparison (phonetic alignment, cognate detection), phylogenetic reconstruction, ancestral state reconstruction, etc. * can read CLDF files

Cognate Detection and Annotation

Automatic Cognate Detection


Cognate Detection and Annotation

Automatic Cognate Detection: Performance


List, Greenhill, and Gray, PLOS ONE, 2017

Cognate Detection and Annotation

Automatic Cognate Detection: Performance


List, Greenhill, and Gray, PLOS ONE, 2017

Cognate Detection and Annotation

Automatic Cognate Detection: Performance


List, Greenhill, and Gray, PLOS ONE, 2017

Cognate Detection and Annotation

Cognate Annotation with EDICTOR

The EDICTOR is a web-based tool that allows to edit, analyse, and publish etymological data. It is available as a prototype in Version 0.1 and will be further developed in the project "Computer-Assisted Language Comparison" (2017-2021). The tool can be accessed via the website at, or be downloaded and used in offline form. All that is needed to use the tool is a webbrowser (Firefox, Safari, Chrome). Offline usage is currently restricted to Firefox. The tool is file-based: input is not a database structure, but a plain tab-separated text file (as a single sheet from a spreadsheet editor). The data-formats are identical with those used by LingPy, thus allowing for a close interaction between automatic analysis and manual refinement.

Cognate Detection and Annotation

Structure of the EDICTOR

The EDICTOR structure is modular, consisting of different panels that allow for:

  • data editing (data input, alignments, cognate identification)
  • data analysis (phonological analysis, correspondence analysis)
  • customisation





Polysemy, Homophony, Colexification

  • Polysemy:
    • If a word has two or more meanings which are historically related.
  • Homophony:
    • If two words which do not share a common etymological history have an identical pronunciation.
  • Colexification (coined by François 2008):
    • If one word form denotes several meanings.


Colexification Networks

Key Concept Russian German ...
1.1 world mir, svet Welt ...
1.21 earth, land zemlja Erde, Land ...
1.212 ground, soil počva Erde, Boden ...
1.420 tree derevo Baum ...
1.430 wood derevo Holz ...


Colexification Networks

  • concepts are represented as nodes in a colexification network.
  • instances of colexification in the languages are represented as links between the nodes
  • edge weights in the network reflect the number of attested instances of a given colexification or the number of languages or language families in which the colexification occured


Analysing Colexification Networks



Analysing Colexification Networks



CLICS¹ Database

CLICS (List et al. 2014) was an online database of synchronic lexical associations ("colexifications") in 221 language varieties of the world.


CLICS¹ Database

Database of Cross-Linguistic Colexifications (CLICS):

  • CLICS¹ offered information on colexification in 221 different languages.
  • 301,498 words covering 1,280 different concepts
  • 45,667 cases of colexification, identified with help of a strictly automatic procedure, correspond to 16,239 different links between the 1,280 concepts in CLICS


CLICS² Database

Problems of CLICS¹

  • difficult to curate
  • difficult to correct
  • difficult to use computationally
  • difficult to re-use by the community for similar projects
  • difficult to expand (only three sources, only 221 languages)


CLICS² Database

Basic ideas for CLICS²

  • use CLDF as basic format for representation
  • link many different datasets to Concepticon and Glottolog and store them as CLDF
  • make a new CLICS application with a transparent Python API
  • separate data, data analysis, and data deployment
  • create a CLLD application for easy deployment of the data


CLICS² Database

Results for CLICS² (List et al. 2018)

  • more than 1000 languages
  • more than 1500 concepts
  • full replicability with the clics2 Python API (
  • sources of CLICS² (15 different datasets) are fully traceable
  • new web application more beautiful than before
  • old "look-and-feel" is preserved thanks to a standalone application that runs on every server based on pure JavaScript


CLICS Database


CLICS², Linguistic Typology, List et al. 2018





Work in Progress

  • automatic borrowing detection
  • cross-linguistic comparison of classifier systems
  • network approaches to rhyming and formed speech


Work in Progress

Automatic Borrowing Detection

  • detection of contact layers through semi-automatic approaches for cognate detection (Hantgan and List forthcoming)
  • language-internal borrowing detection with help of Markov models (Tresoldi and List in preparation)


Work in Progress

Automatic Borrowing Detection


Hantgan and List, forthcoming, Journal of Language Contact


Work in Progress

Cross-Linguistic Approaches to Classifiers

  • Sino-Tibetan as an interesting test-case for the evolution and origin of classifier systems
  • choose an onomasiological (concept-based) approach, rather than the typical semasiological (form-based approaches)
  • use techniques that were developed to study colexification networks
  • work on questionnaires that allow for cross-linguistic comparability with other language families and collaboration with different scholars (planned so far: work on Tukano with Thiago Chacon)


Work in Progress

Cross-Linguistic Approaches to Classifiers


List, unpublished, draft comparison of classifiers for illustration


Work in Progress

Cross-Linguistic Approaches to Classifiers

  • many open research questions could be addressed in such a concept-based approach
  • comparison off co-classified concepts across languages and language families
  • in-depth comparison of cross-linguistic origins of classifiers
  • statistical investigation of fossilized classifier systems


Work in Progress

Network Approaches to Rhymes and Formed Speech

Jakobson's (1960) six functions of language


Work in Progress

Network Approaches to Rhymes and Formed Speech

  • preliminary studies on rhyme networks in Ancient Chinese poetry (List 2017, List et al. 2017)
  • preliminary work on annotation frameworks for poetry collections (annotating rhymes in a linguistically meaningful way)
  • preliminary discussions about evolutionary approaches to questions of the origin, emergence, and evolution of poetry


Work in Progress

Network Approaches to Rhymes and Formed Speech

Little is known about the interaction of the different forces during the development of poetic traditions. How do they interact? When does one of the factors prevail over the others? To which degree can one factor dominate the others?

¡Gracias a todos!
