Problems in Assessing the Probability of Language Relatedness
La Société n'admet aucune communication concernant, soit l'origine du langage, soit la création d'une langue universelle.
The society does not accept any kind of communication, neither on the origin of language, nor on the creation of a universal language]
(Statuts of the Society of Linguistics in Paris, 1866)
Constructs in the social sciences:
Construct thinking can help to channel discussions about the "nature of the proto-language":
Control criteria for for scientific testing:
"refers to the independence of the result from the person conducting the test"]
(Maderthaner 2008: 89).
How to guarantee objectivity:
Different kinds of lexical similarity (List 2014)
What is a good test?
Uncertainty resulting from arbitrary synonym choices (List 2018).
Sound-Class-Based Approaches:
Wishlist for future methods:
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