LingPy — A Python Library for Historical Linguistics
- LingPy (common work with Simon Greenhill and Robert Forkel) is a suite of open-source Python modules for sequence comparison, distance analyses, data operations and visualization methods in quantitative historical linguistics.
The main idea of LingPy is to provide a software package which, on the one hand, integrates different methods for data analysis in quantitative historical linguistics within a single framework, and, on the other hand, serves as an interface for the preparation and analysis of linguistic data using biological software packages.
- For more information, visit the official website at http://lingpy.org.
- You can download the latest stable release of LingPy (Version 2.6) from HERE.
- We are constantly improving LingPy. You can see its current status at https://github.com/lingpy/lingpy.
- If you want to read more about some basic features of LingPy, you can read the paper by List & Moran (2013).
- If you want to learn how to use LingPy, you can read our tutorial paper by List et al. (2018).