
New papers, drafts, and more

Two new papers have been recently published, and one new draft is also available. Furthermore, I updated my lectures and the handouts are now available in a more consistent format along with a table of contents.

The first of the two papers (a collaboration with Thiago Chacon) proposes a weighted parsimony approach whcih assumes directed processes of sound change to investigate the history of the Tukano languages:

  • Chacon, T. and J.-M. List (2015): Improved computational models of sound change shed light on the history of the Tukanoan languages. J. Lang. Relationship 13.3. 177-204. PDF

The second paper (a collaboration with Gerhard Jäger), tests methods for ancestral state reconstruction in historical linguistics:

  • Jäger, G. and J.-M. List (2016): Investigating the potential of ancestral state reconstruction algorithms in historical linguistics. In: Proceedings of the Leiden Workshop on Capturing Phylogenetic Algorithms for Linguistics. PDF

The forthcoming paper which is now available as a draft is about the Concepticon project (collaborative work with Michael Cysouw and Robert Forkel) and will be published officially in May:

  • List, J.-M., M. Cysouw, and R. Forkel (forthcoming): Concepticon. A resource for the linking of concept lists. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. DRAFT

Furthermore, I updated all my past lectures in such a way that the all handouts have now an additional table of content with some further description of the respective blocks which usually consist of two to three lectures. You can find the lectures here, just click on the "HANDOUTS" button for download.

As a least point, you may test a new feature I added to the papers and talks sections of the website: By clicking on the keyword tags beyond each reference, you may filter by searching for all papers or talks which are given the same keyword. By clicking a second time on the same keyword, the filter will be reset to zero. I am currently still testing this new feature and consider further modifications in the future, since the usage still lacks "intuitivity".