
Three Job Offers, Two Blog Posts, and One Conference

Our research project on computer-assisted language comparison offers three positions for three years each, two for doctoral students, and one for a post-doc (the post-doc position is initially for two years with an option for a one-year extension after positive evaluation after the first year). Starting date is April 2018, and deadline for the submission of applications is end of January. The call for post-docs with all details, can be found here and the call for doctoral studens can be found here.

During the last days, I managed to finish two new blogpost. The first is a follow-up from our earlier blogpost on animal names, this time devoted to goats and sheep. The second blogpost (in German) is devoted to "hybrid pronunciations", exemplified with help of the debate about the Jamaica coalition in Germany.

I would also like to announce that our upcoming workshop on "Old Chinese and Friends" is gaining more structure (to take place from 26-27 of April, 2018, in Jena), and we have just managed to launch the project website along with the call for abstracts online.